2021 Midwest Animal Sheltering Conference

The 2021 Midwest Animal Sheltering Conference was a smashing hit! The conference hosted 130 people from 17 states, including IA, IL, IN, KS, MO, NE, OH, and WI. In total, 61 organizations were represented, including municipal animal controls, foster based rescues, nonprofit animal shelters, spay-neuter clinics, and more! Find photos from the conference, photo booth, and GooseChase game here.

The hottest topics this year were “People want to help! Get out of their way and let them!,” “Community Cat Conflict Mitigation,” and “Top 10 Strategies To Set Dogs Up For Success Behaviorally In Foster Care.”

Thank you to all of our speakers, partners, and attendees that worked together to bring progressive education and networking opportunities to our region!


2022 Midwest Animal Sheltering Conference


2020 Impact